Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spirituality and Same Sex Relationship

The one part of my life which I have never really looked at until recently was how I feel about same sex relationships. Many years ago, in 1977 I had a radio show in Australia. This was 5 years before I opened the metaphysical doorway. It was a 3 hour show every Friday morning and I was the most popular person each week on the radio. Mainly because people loved my English accent, and I realize now, that people were affected by my energy even then, as one woman had said to me, you are so comforting on the radio! I had to have a theme for my show, and I had heard a piece of music which I just loved, it was called Billitus, and I was not to know it was the music from a film about lesbians! I just loved the music. This piece of music played my show in and played it out. One day, I had a letter from a woman who told me she loved my show and would love to meet me. Her name was Elizabeth and she was married with two children. I arranged to meet her a few days after the letter arrived. (There was no email then as far as I recall) We met in town, had a delicious lunch and talked and talked. Elizabeth seemed so nice and invited me back to her house to see photo's of her children and talk further. I went along quite innocently.

During my visit to her home, she made a cup of tea for me and sat down at my feet. There she began to tell me how much she loved me, how she loved my show and wanted to be with me. I did not know what to do, because I certainly did not feel the same way. I also felt embarrassed, deeply embarrassed. I was married with children myself, I was not happy in my marriage, but the thought of being with another woman was YUK!! I could not get out of the house quick enough. She had given me a book by Karlil Gibran over our lunch, called "The Prophet" apparently I had mentioned on air I loved Gibran's writing, and did not have a book. I left the book behind in my effort to leave the house as quickly as I could. When I got home, I felt sick, I also felt "dirty" as if I had been invaded. Elizabeth tried to contact me at the radio station by phone, but I refused to take her calls. She sent the Karlil Gibran book by mail, with a nice card; I threw it in the bin. I cannot believe I did it now, but at the time I was so confused and embarrassed. It was as if the book was a part of what had taken place. I changed the music also in the show to something quite different. I shut the experience completely out of my mind and got on with my life, moving house and area a few years later.

After my experience with Elizabeth, many years passed without my having to face the issue again. Meantime the Aids issue became big, and then waned off. It was considered if you were gay as these relationships were known as, that you would get Aids. However, I was getting on with my life, experiencing a recession where I was a major player, and discovering metaphysics. I met quite a few gay people during this time, but kept on the outside of their energy, as I was so frightened what had happened before, would happen again. When I became a clairvoyant reader I had a few clients who were gay and the energy I channeled for them was so filled with love and understanding, but still myself, I had huge difficulty in understanding them. When Maitreya entered my life, one of the first things he began teaching me was love for all humanity no matter who. I had always had love in my heart for everyone, but this issue of gay people was a big block for me to get by.

Maitreya taught me that love in any form was the most beautiful thing people could have. He also taught me about sexual pleasure and how important it was for our spiritual/higher consciousness development, but also for OUR pleasure. Personally I had never had an orgasm; I had to admit I was very inexperienced in the sexual area. In fact to be honest I was downright embarrassed at the talk of sex, and at doing anything other than what basically my parents did. Maitreya led me to books which explained sex in a whole new way; He taught me through many different ways about sexual energy, once leading me through the tease of a book in a shop window on tantric sex, into a shop where I had to ask for the book. The shop was very busy and the owner said very loudly when I asked for the book in the window "Oh the book on tantric sex." which made everyone look up and my cheeks to go bright red!! One day, I woke up in the morning and felt I had a Penis and testicles; it was as if etherically I did. I could feel the testicles heavy between my legs, and as the day progressed, my Penis rose at the very thought of sex or at the vision of any pretty woman who crossed my path. Thoughts of Elizabeth again surfaced. I learned what it feels like to be a man for the day, and I must be the only female who knows what the tingle feels like before a man has an orgasm. However, after one day, it was over, but not before I had learned that men are totally different to women and understanding the male energy a lot better. It was then Maitreya told me he did not like the word gay. He preferred to use the word "free." Because he said these people who had same sex relationships were free, they had freed themselves from the binding of conditioning. It took a big commitment to be free and so he wrote a teaching about this. He counseled me on the subject of same sex relationships. I told him it was OK with me, but I did not feel it was for me. He told me that was Ok but not to judge and more than ever not to be afraid of these people (which I had to admit I was.) I had been brought up by parents who called these people faggots and other such names.

I had to learn to uncondition myself which was not an easy task. However I found myself becoming more and more understanding. Maitreya brought free couples into my life to show me how their love was given and received. By now, free people were beginning to have families, and a lot of controversy was created because of this. However, I began to think after seeing quite a few couples, why should they not do this? I could see that many of them had so much love to give to children. The common thought was that the children of these couples would become free themselves, but after meeting a couple of families who had been brave and done this many years before and speaking to the children, they were as normal as other families, they just had two of the same sex people as parents. They said they had no feelings themselves for the same sex people. I was beginning to change.

As I began to relax more about same sex relationships, I found that I was becoming more and more understanding about other subjects as well. I found myself talking to free people up close, and actually not being frightened of doing so, something which in my early years would have freaked me out. I remember as a young girl, two particular people, one was a man called Quinten Crisp who when I was in England, came out and admitted he was free at a time when it was considered horrific. He was called all sorts of names and suffered terribly for doing so. Another was when Rock Hudson the film actor died and the press was desperately trying to prove he was free also. They never did at the time, but many years later, after of course many more people had come out, it was proved he was. I began to say, when I met a very handsome free person; "What a waste!" I was changing so much I could not believe it. In 1991 a friend of mine lost her husband to cancer. It devastated her. She had two young children and I realize now she could not face what had happened. I needed someone to help me on the road while I traveled, and she needed to get away. Leaving her children with some friends at the times I went away, we traveled together for me to do my readings and teaching. One evening, in the hotel room, she was crying in her bed over her deceased husband. I decided to get into bed with her and comfort her. As I lay there in bed with her, I found myself actually feeling good about this. She had her back to me, and all of a sudden I felt very loving towards her, I was also feeling sexual. She did not turn around, and eventually went to sleep. I went back to my own bed and lay there thinking about the experience. It did not frighten me, in fact it felt good. I asked myself what I would have done if something had happened. I came to the realization it would not have bothered me, I would have gone with the flow. I felt liberated!

Since that time, I have not had any desire for a female companion or partner. When I met and married Alan, I felt complete, as we are so alike. I knew there would be nobody else for me after Alan and Maitreya confirmed this. However, I was watching TV one night, and there was a new show on MSNBC called "The Rachel Maddow show" Rachel was an incredible woman, she was not only incredible, but openly free. I loved her in a non romantic way. Once again the feeling I had previously was back. However this time I openly welcomed it without fear or wanting to hide. It does not feel "bad" anymore to have that feeling, and I am certainly no longer afraid of it anymore. Do I still love Alan, you bet I do? I also know that I need a man in my life, but would I consider a woman if that were different? You bet you I would. I was thirty two when I met Elizabeth, and I am now sixty two. Thirty long years have passed, and during that time my belief system has totally changed. I cannot thank the world of spirit enough for enabling me to see this and to make the change I have done. Maitreya has said, love is love, it does not matter how it is used. I whole heartily agree.

A well-known and respected spiritual teacher with students on five continents, Margaret now lives near Seattle, Washington with her husband, Alan, where they operate the Maitreya Seattle Learning and Healing Center. Read about and contact Margaret M at MargaretMcElroy.com

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